Welcome to the Diocese of Gloucester Mothers' Union website

Mothers' Union is the largest international Christian organisation with over 4 million members in 83 countries across the world.

Within this worldwide organisation we are part of the Anglican Province of Canterbury and based in the South West of England above Bristol, bordered by Wales in the West and the Cotswold Hills to the East.

Led by our Diocesan President, Doreen McLellan for the triennial 2025-2027 we have 27 branches across 8 deaneries and about 650 members working towards the Mothers' Union vision to strengthen and preserve family life and marriage, by our Christian faith through practical action.

This practical action can be seen through the giving of self, in prayer, in voluntary work, and in helping those less fortunate than ourselves in whatever ways we can.

Following the links, please take the time to discover how we respond to our Mothers' Union vision of a world where God's love is shown through loving, respectful, and flourishing relationships.


Are you a Facebook user? If so, please join the Mothers' Union Diocese of Gloucester facebook page.(Search in Facebook groups for MOTHERS' UNION GLOUCESTER DIOCESE)

Every day, the prayers from our Prayer Diary are published, together with the Wave of Prayer. Also any items of interest to Mothers' Union members which appear on the Church of England social media sites.

Mary Sumner House

The national Mothers' Union website is a source of information about the worldwide organisation, national projects, monthly prayers and resources for members.


Midday Prayers are live on their Facebook page at 12:00 noon daily.

Commisioning of Diocesan President and chaplain

Doreen was formally commissioned as our Diocesan President at the Lady day service in 2022 in Gloucester cathedral , alongside the Trustees and Speakers. Revd. Liz Palin was also commisioned as our chaplain.

Letter from our Diocesan President

Dear Fellow Members

As I write this the clocks have just gone back but by the time you read it it will be approaching Advent and then Christmas. It is a time of year when things seem more extreem - for many it can be a time of great excitement and joy but for othrs it can be a difficult time.

Of course the rest of the year is like this too but everything seems in sharper focus at Christmas time.

At my Home Group we usually set aside time for an Advent bible study and we find this helpful, both to focus on scripture at this time of year but also to step aside from the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations and take time to share what is important to us and our faith. I hope that you too will be able to spend time in this way and that it will help you with whatever you do over the festive season.

One of my favourite readings at this church season is Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 -'and he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace'. One year the home group that I was part of studied this verse for four weeks in Advent and, as you can imagine, we found a lot to discuss.

Although I cannot remember all the things we considered, some have stayed with me and hearing this verse triggers lots of memories, including the people I shared this study with. The groups we spend time with in this way are important to us all and this applies to our Mothers' Union membership too, whether we attend branch meetings or link with others via Diocesan membership, and I am sure we have all enjoyed the fellowship we have experienced as members.

I hope you all experience the peace and joy that is at the heart of the Christmas season and have a good year.

With love and prayers to you all
