Membership of Mothers' Union in Gloucester Diocese

Membership is open to all those who declare their support for the Aim and Objectives of the Mothers' Union.
This can be as a Branch, Diocesan or Indoor Member. All members pay an annual subscription.
Members receive a copy of the Diocesan quarterly magazine, Roundabout, and a copy of the Prayer Diary issued annually from Mary Sumner House, which includes prayers covering the work in different parts of the world and a subject for each week.
Members also receive the Connected magazine, issued twice a year from Mary Sumner House, which includes updates about MU projects across the globe and covers all areas of life relating to families, relationships and faith.
Branch membership
Members join a local group which meets regularly for Christian fellowship, fun, fundraising and projects.
A prayer of commitment for the life and Christian witness of the branch.
Heavenly Father, as members of this branch we commit its life to you, we seek your blessing on all we do; your presence in our fellowship; your inspiration in our activities; your strength in our service to the Church and to the community; help us to be faithful in prayer and worship and outgoing in our witness to the gospel, that we may advance your kingdom, and glorify your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. [from 'United in Prayer & Worship']
Diocesan membership
Diocesan members are not attached to a particular Branch but nevertheless wish to be active in prayer and faith in action and supporting the various projects within the Diocese and worldwide. They receive invitations to attend services and meetings at local and Diocesan level. They are entitled to attend Diocesan Councill and have a right to vote.
Indoor membership
These are members who, perhaps through age and infirmity or disability, are no longer able to attend Branch meetings. Indoor members are an important and vital part of the Mothers' Union, through their commitment to prayer, and many are cared for both by their own branches as well as by the Diocesan Indoor Members representative, who keeps in regular contact with each of them. They receive a copy of the Diocesan quarterly magazine, Roundabout, and the Prayer Diary and Connected magazine from Mary Sumner House.
Subs for 2025, including Roundabout, as agreed by the Trustees are.