Vice Presidents
Margaret Edwards and Brenda Davitt have been elected as our Diocesan Vice Presidents for the new triennial.
Roundabout Editor
Gemma has taken over as editor of Roundabout and items for inclusion should be sent to:
Subs for 2025
The subscription for 2025 will be £ 37 for all members including Indoor and Diocesan.
Theme for 2025
The theme for the next triennial will be JOIN US and JOIN IN! MU is changing lives.
Diocesan President
Doreen has been re-elected as our Diocesan President for the next triennial. (2025-2027)
Sad news
We are sorry to learn that Jean Thomas has died on 1st June 2024.
We are pleased to welcome Gemma as our new secretary. Do support her as she gets familiar with our operations.
Sad news
It is with great sadness that we record that Kate Thompson, one of our trustees, has died. She was very passionate about Mothers' Union and will be much missed. Her funeral took place on 21st November 2023, at Shurdington church
Council Report
Doreen gave Council a detailed report of the trip to York for the Annual Meeting. Her report can be read here .

Burundi Report
A detailed report has been produced of the successful work being done in Burundi. See Report . A version with less colour, suitable for printing, can be found under Resources.
Office opening
The office will usually be open on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm. Please phone to check.
Latest forms
Order forms for Diaries and Christmas cards can be found under Resources/ Forms.
The 2022-2024 Wave of Prayer service and rota can be found under Resources/ Wave of Prayer.
Knitting for Premature Babies
World Premature Baby Day is on 17th November 22 and we have been asked to knit 40 cardigans and hats in purple in sizes 1 and 2 before then. There is a new suitable pattern on the Resources page. Anyone wishing to help should contact Dorothy Marshall via the office.

Lady Day service
A service was held in the Lady Chapel of Gloucester Cathedral on 25th March 2022. During the service Revd. Liz Palin was commissioned as our Chaplain.

Doreen McLellan was also commissioned as our DIocesan President. The retiring President presented her with the President's broach.

Trustees were also commissioned and a photo taken of all.

Members from across the Diocese supported them by attending the service which was appreciated by everyone.

Members day
Members day held on 23rd February saw members engrossed in a quiz as unfortunately the planned speaker had to cancel at the last minute.
Diocesan President
Doreen McLellan was elected at the AGM as the new President for the triennial 2022-2024
Kate Thompson and Olga Gibbons will continue to serve as Vice Presidents.

At the Forum meeting on 6th December 2021 our retiring President, Kay Hensley, was presented with gifts including a bird feeder and flowers.
New Chaplain
Rev Liz Palin has been appointed as our new chaplain.
New trustees are Ruth Creighton, Becky Phillips, Brenda Davitt and Daphne Ellis. Kay Hensley will also serve as a trustee.
Office hours
The office will now be open Tuesdays 10 - 3, Fridays 10 - 2. Term time plus half term.

Local Activism
Bishop Rachel joined President Kay and other members outside the Cathedral on 27th November 2021 in suport of action against gender based violence
Subs for 2022
A bi-yearly magazine is included in the subscription.
Subs for 2022 have been agreed by the Trustees based on information from Mary Sumner House. This includes Roundabout.
- Branch member : £ 32.00
- Indoor member : £ 28.00
- Diocesan member : £ 32.00
We are a subscription based mission society because we have a structure to maintain which sustains the projects we run. Without subscriptions, so much of which we are proud to own would not exist.
Each subscriber member helps to support Mothers' Union; each member is valued for their prayers, their practical and financial support.
Gift Aid
Please remember that if you pay tax you can Gift Aid your subscription, please download a form, ask your Branch Treasurer or ring the MU Office on 01452 528621.
A Gift Aid form is available to download from the Resources page. This includes future donations as well as the current year.
Diocesan Members
The apllication/renewal form for those who wish to be Diocesan members can be downloaded from the resources page
Wave of Prayer
September 3rd - 5th. The timetable and service for this are the same as last year. Details can be found under Prayer and Resources. Consider using Zoom if you are unable to meet.
AFIA day raffle
Three members of the Trustee board, including Kay, met in the office to draw the Raffle on Saturday 18th 2020. Due to your generosity we were able to draw for 18 prizes. Congratulations to all who won something. Maggie and Kate are beginning to arrange holidays again.
Midday Prayers
All are welcome to join Midday Prayers live on Mothers' Union Facebook page at 12:00 noon daily. They can be watched later as well.
Theme resources 2021
Useful resources relating to 2021 year's theme of "Building hope and confidence" can now be downloaded from the Resources page.
Fundraising for AFIA
Helen King's fundraising rowing challenge has raised £ 1,210 for AFIA. Thank you to Helen and to all who supported her.
Shopping online
When shopping online, you can raise much needed funds for us at no extra cost to you by using Easyfundraising. Instructions for how to do this are here .
Craft ideas
Two new patterns have been added to Resources. These are for making Twiddle-muffs and End of Life Property Pouches. The latter can be delivered to the office.
There are now a few posters about Mothers' Union on the Resources page which can be downloaded.
Craft Projects
Patterns are on the Resources page for the different craft projects that we support; the Cross-in-your-pocket for use in prisons and baby blankets for HOPE. Finished items can be sent to the MU office.
See the Resources page for documents from the Office which you can download, including the Wave of Prayer timetable.