Members' Day
This will be on Wednesday 26th February at St Philip and St James' Church , Hucclecote, GL3 3NS at 1:40 pm. Bring your lunch to eat beforehand from 1:00 pm.
Lechlade Lent Lunch
Friday 28th March 2025, 12 noon for 12:30 pm. £ 8. Also Big Screen and raffle, Bring/Buy and MU Enterprises.
St Christopher's Coffee Morning
St Christopher's Mothers' Union Warden Hill, Lincoln Ave, GL51 3DD, are holding a Coffee Morning on Saturday 26th April 2025, from 10 am to 12 noon in aid of MU funds. Cakes, cards, gifts, tombola, raffle. All welcome.
AGM and Summer Council
THis will be on Wednesday 21st May at St Philip and St James' Church , Hucclecote, GL3 3NS at 10:30 am.
Diocesan Quiet Day
Thursday 19th June from 10 am to 3 pm at Harnhill centre for Christian Healing, Cirencester, GL7 5PX