Welcome to the Diocese of Gloucester Mothers' Union website

Mothers' Union is the largest international Christian organisation with over 4 million members in 83 countries across the world.

Within this worldwide organisation we are part of the Anglican Province of Canterbury and based in the South West of England above Bristol, bordered by Wales in the West and the Cotswold Hills to the East.

Led by our Diocesan President, Doreen McLellan for the triennial 2022-2024 we have 27 branches across 8 deaneries and about 650 members working towards the Mothers' Union vision to strengthen and preserve family life and marriage, by our Christian faith through practical action.

This practical action can be seen through the giving of self, in prayer, in voluntary work, and in helping those less fortunate than ourselves in whatever ways we can.

Following the links, please take the time to discover how we respond to our Mothers' Union vision of a world where God's love is shown through loving, respectful, and flourishing relationships.


Are you a Facebook user? If so, please join the Mothers' Union Diocese of Gloucester facebook page.(Search in Facebook groups for MOTHERS' UNION GLOUCESTER DIOCESE)

Every day, the prayers from our Prayer Diary are published, together with the Wave of Prayer. Also any items of interest to Mothers' Union members which appear on the Church of England social media sites.

Mary Sumner House

The national Mothers' Union website is a source of information about the worldwide organisation, national projects, monthly prayers and resources for members.


Midday Prayers are live on their Facebook page at 12:00 noon daily.

Commisioning of Diocesan President and chaplain

Doreen was formally commissioned as our Diocesan President at the Lady day service in 2022 in Gloucester cathedral , alongside the Trustees and Speakers. Revd. Liz Palin was also commisioned as our chaplain.

Letter from our Diocesan President

Dear Fellow Members

I hope that you have all been able to enjoy some good weather over the summer. It has been variable but it has been good to see the blue sky and feel the watmth (heat!) of the sun.

I have been out and about with MU for the last few months, both in and out of the Diocese. In June I attended the Provincial Gathering in Oxford with several others from Gloucester Diocese. I have also been to branch meetings, coffee mornings and a branch lunch. It is a real pleasure and privilege to be able to meet fellow members and hear what is going on in the various branches. In the last Roundabout there was a piece about the Rise Up campaign and I was able to present a bronze award to the members at Upton St Leonards in July.

We have also celebrated Mary Sumner Day, when members gathered together for a time of fellowship. The Diocesan raffle was drawn at this event and members went home with a variety of prizes - many had been donated and there were lots of lovely prizes. We were blessed with beautiful weather and were able to spend the afternoon outside, concluding the afternoon by holding our service outside too. The singing was lovely so I hope the neighbours heard it and, perhaps, joined in. Many thanks are due to the everyone who helped to make the day a success. One of our church members came by to collect something from the community garden and she commented afterwards that there had been a lovely atmosphere and she had enjoyed hearing the chat and laughter. It was a great opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new ones.

By the time you read this we will officially be in autumn as meteorological autumn is deemed to start on 1 September. We may still be able to enjoy good weather though as it is often still very pleasant at the beginning of September, especially once the new school term starts. The start of the new academic year often also signals the start of other things as groups restart after an August break and families adapt to members starting new stages in their lives, from those starting school to those joining the world of work after completing university or college, from births, through marriages and for those adapting to life without loved ones.

At all these times it is good to know that we are part of a prayerful organisation and to know that members are upheld in prayer every day. As part of this we will have held our wave of prayer sessions at the beginning of September but I know that members pray for each other regularly as well as opening meetings with prayer and this underpins all of our relationships and work with MU.

With love and prayers,
